Friday, February 23, 2007

Unit 1 - Event

The Boer War
The Boer War was a War in South Africa between the two independent Boer republics of the Orange Free State and the South African Republic(Transvaal Republic), and the British Empire from 1899 to 1902. After a hard-fought war the two independent republics were absorbed by the British Empire. The British wanted to take over the two independent republics and take the mine that the Boers were using to find gold.
The Boer War further increased the British Empire and took over the Boers mines. The war cost 75,000 lives - 22,000 British soldiers, 6,000 - 7,000 Boer soldiers, 20,000 - 28,000 Boer civilians and perhaps 20,000 Black Africans. The Boer was also the first time that Victoria Crosses - the most prestigious award in the British armed forces - were awarded to British soldiers.
The Boer War was the bginning of the downfall of the British Empire. The Boers fighting for freedom got sympathy from a lot of other countries such as the Irish. The Public was revolted by the bad conditions of the concentration camps and were disgusted with British actions after the war.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times

Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times is a Movie from 1936.Charlie Chaplin satirizes modern life by making fun of the modern, industrialized world.
The movie starts with a clip of sheep being herded which fades into workers going into the factory which represents how people are basically
being herded to work.Charlie is seen doing repetitive tasks and develops a nervous tick from doing these repetitive tasks and ends up with a nervous breakdown.

Unit 1 - Individual

Ferdinand Adolf August Heinrich Graf von Zeppelin
Ferdinand von Zeppelin was a German aircraft manufacturer, the founder of the Zeppelin airship company, and inventor of the Zeppelin. Zeppelin spent nearly a decade developing the dirigible. The first of many rigid dirigibles, called zeppelins in his honor, was completed in 1900.
The Zeppelin was mostly used by the German Military during WWI as bombers and scouts. It was also used as the first commercial airline and served scheduled flights well before WWI. After the Germans defeat in WWI, production of the Zeppelin was momentarily halted,but brought back under Hugo Eckener, until the Hindenburg disaster and political issues ended the Zeppelin.
The Zeppelin first brought the idea of travel through the air and created the first commercial airline DELAG(Deutsche Luftshiffahrts-AG). The Zeppelin was also a big part of WWI which was one of the biggest events in the 20Th Century. The Zeppelin helped make travel and warfare through the air a possibility for the first time and helped pave the way for airplanes.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Unit 1 - Ideas

Marxism refers to the philosophy and social theory based on Karl Marx's work, and the political practice based on Marxist theory.
Marxism describes the race towards communism in a number of stages, the first stage being feudalism, followed by capitalism and socialism, and finally communism. There have been many academic theories, social movements, political parties and governments that lay claim to being founded on Marxist principles including Marxism-Leninism, Stalinism, and Maoism.
Marxism was the founding block for Communism which had significant impact on the 20Th Century. Marxist Theories inspired many Countries leaders who changed life in the 20Th Century.Though they changed life it was mostly for the worst for their people and the rest of the World.
Marxism has many great ideas but they only work in Theory.Any Country that adopted his ideas mostly ruined their country or caused horrible wars.If Marx hadn't come up with his theory many tragedies could have been avoided such as the Cold War,Mao's killings, and the Korean War.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Unit 1 - Innovation

On December 17, 1903 the Wright Brothers made the first controlled, powered, heavier-than-air human flight.Wind, sand, and a dream of flight brought Wilbur and Orville Wright to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, where after four years of experimentation, they achieved the first successful airplane flights in 1903.The first plane they had built was a glider that measured 16 feet from wing tip to wing tip. It cost them $15 to build it. The gasoline-powered plane they flew at Kitty Hawk cost them less than $1000 to build.
The creation of the first fully functional airplane paved the way for future Travel. It introduced the ability to fly, which would later be used for long distance travel. Once this concept was perfected the world became a more open place.
Life without Planes would be really hard. Planes help us travel long distances to deliver items, visit other countries, and visit relatives or friends in a different country. Planes helped our economy grow with it's ability to travel long distances with a lot of extra weight to carry. If we didn't have planes we would never have gotten this far.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The Importance of the 20Th Century

It is important to learn about the 20Th Century because it helps you learn about what events happened that formed the World we live in. It will also help you learn about what happened in the past and how we can make the world better.