Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Unit 2 - Event

World War I
World War I was a global conflict that primarily took place in Europe and it lasted from 1914 to 1918. Millions of people died and it largely defined the 20th Century.The war was between the Allied Powers(France,Russia,the UK,Italy and the US) and the Central Powers(Austria-Hungary,Germany, and the Ottoman Empire.The main cause of the War was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand which led to Austria declaring War on Serbia.

World War I caused many changes to life in the 20th Century.It brought in many changes such as the increase in products being made in the world, war for the first time was fought in the air, and the danger of chemical warfare.The outcome of World War I was an important factor in the development of World War II due to Treaty of Versailles which forced Germany to take all the blame for the war and have to pay all the costs.

World War I was the reason for many of the worlds best changes and some of the worst.Without World War I technology would have taken longer to develop but it destroyed most of Europe,killed thousands of people, and caused the even worse World War II.If World War I hadn't happend technology would have taken longer to expand but many lives could have been saved.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Unit 2 - Individual

Shōwa Tennō- Hirohito
Hirohito was the 124Th Emperor of Japan according to the traditional order of succession and he reigned from December 25, 1926 until his death on January 7, 1989. Hirohito reigned during the Shōwa era (Eng:Enlightened Peace) and his reign was the longest of any historical Japanese Emperor, and he oversaw many significant changes to Japanese society.He married his distant cousin Princess Nagako Kuni(the future Empress Kōjun), and they had 2 sons and 5 daughters.
The first part of Emperor Shōwa's reign there was an increase in military power.This power led Japan to fight in the Second Sino-Japanese War and WWII.Many believe Emperor Shōwa was the mastermind behind many of Japan's atrocities committed during WWII when he was nothing more than a powerless figurehead who was behaving strictly according to protocol and staying away from most decision making.After the war the Hirohito became more public presence by going out for walkabouts, attending public ceremonies, and he became more active politically by visiting with American Presidents and Queen Elizabeth II.
Hirohito long reign as Emperor meant he was involved in many of Japan's most historical Events in the 20th Century. After Japans devastation after the War Hirohito led Japan to new prosperity which is greater than it was before the war.Hirohito helped Japan when it was at it's lowest after the loss of WWII.

Unit 2 - Ideas

Mein Kampf (Eng:My Struggle or My Fight) it is Hitler's signeture work, combining elements of autobiography with Hitler's political ideology of Nazism.In Mein Kampf, Hitler makes a biographical account of his life and also describes plans for German-allied countries to rule Europe, along a racist worldview of white supremacy with Aryans as the master race at the top and Jews at the bottom. Mein Kampf was written by Hitler in Prison with him publishing Volume 1 in 1925 and Volume 2 following in 1926.

In Mein Kampf, Hitler uses the main thesis of "The Jewish peril", which speaks of an alleged Jewish conspiracy to gain world leadership and also warns against the French. It also states that Propaganda is a rational way of controlling the irrational behaviour of crowds.Hitler presented himself as the "Übermensch"(Eng:Superman or Superhuman, Friedrich Nietzsche had developed this term in his book, Also Sprach Zarathustra, but opposed both racism and anti-semitism.

Mein Kampf was Hitler's first stage of becoming Germany's leader.It became sort of a Bible for every Nazi and it gave Hitler public awareness for him to start his rise to leadership of Germany.
These days the printing and copying of the book in Germany is illegal and the German government highly opposes the buying and reading of the book.