Friday, March 23, 2007

Unit 2 - Individual

Shōwa Tennō- Hirohito
Hirohito was the 124Th Emperor of Japan according to the traditional order of succession and he reigned from December 25, 1926 until his death on January 7, 1989. Hirohito reigned during the Shōwa era (Eng:Enlightened Peace) and his reign was the longest of any historical Japanese Emperor, and he oversaw many significant changes to Japanese society.He married his distant cousin Princess Nagako Kuni(the future Empress Kōjun), and they had 2 sons and 5 daughters.
The first part of Emperor Shōwa's reign there was an increase in military power.This power led Japan to fight in the Second Sino-Japanese War and WWII.Many believe Emperor Shōwa was the mastermind behind many of Japan's atrocities committed during WWII when he was nothing more than a powerless figurehead who was behaving strictly according to protocol and staying away from most decision making.After the war the Hirohito became more public presence by going out for walkabouts, attending public ceremonies, and he became more active politically by visiting with American Presidents and Queen Elizabeth II.
Hirohito long reign as Emperor meant he was involved in many of Japan's most historical Events in the 20th Century. After Japans devastation after the War Hirohito led Japan to new prosperity which is greater than it was before the war.Hirohito helped Japan when it was at it's lowest after the loss of WWII.

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