Monday, May 14, 2007

Unit 3 - John F. Kennedy Assasination

John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was shot on Friday, November 22nd 1963, in Dallas, Texas. JFK was shot while his motorcade was driving through Dealey Plaza. The Person who was arrested for this murder was Lee Harvey Oswald, who was later assassinated by Jack Ruby. The assassination of John F. Kennedy is surrounded by many conspiracy theories.
JFK's Assassination shocked the American Public and when the Warren Commission named Lee Harvey Oswald as the Assassin the Public at first believed it, but JFK's Assassination is associated with a large numbers of theories on government conspiracies, different shooters, more than one shooters and the position of the shooters. JFK's death effects the country till this day and JFK is
regarded as an icon of American Hopes and Dreams.
The Assassination caused a lot of political problems with the country and caused the Cold War to become extremely tense. JFK had a pretty good relationship with Russian leader Khrushchev which was able to keep the Russians from attacking, but after his assassination tensions in Russia grew and risk of a war increased.JFK's death was both tragic and filled with conspiracy.

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