Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Unit 3 - General Curtis E. LeMay

General Curtis E. LeMay
Curtis Emerson LeMay was a General in the United States Air Force and he is credited with designing and implementing an effective systematic strategic bombing campaign in the Pacific Theatre of World War II. He also headed the Berlin airlift and reorganized the Strategic Air Command into effective means of nuclear war. He was characterized as a belligerent warmonger who caused big tension during the Cold War(Cuban Missile Crisis) and even suggested the U.S. increase it's bombing on North Vietnam.
Curtis E. LeMay took very extreme measures to accomplish his goal of a U.S. victory. His firebombing and atomic bombing on Japan had killed more than 1 million Japanese civilians.
Curtis E. LeMay caused much controversy in his life in his belief of the need to use extreme bombing measures on U.S. opponents such as Vietnam, Japan and Cuba.
Curtis E. LeMay led many successful and useful air strikes in his life such as the attacks on Germany and Japan, but unnecessarily killed civilians in the process. He disagreed with many people on how war should be fought most famously with JFK during the Cuban Missile Crisis when he wanted to bomb nuclear sites in Cuba. He was a very brutal man and always sought a way to justify his horrible actions.

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