Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Unit 3 - V.I. Lenin

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov also known as Lenin was one of the main people of the Russian Revolution, the leader of the Bolsheviks, and was the first leader of the Soviet Union. Lenin was the leader behind the October Revolution when the revolutionaries stormed the Winter Palace.
Lenin did great good for Russia as a leader but also did horrible things both as the Soviet Leader and as the Bolshevik leader.
As the Main Leader of Bolsheviks Lenin caused many horrible events of Russia's history such as the Russian Revolutions were many Russian Citizens died. Lenin also led the Revolutionists to overthrow the incompetent Czar to lead Russia into a Communist Nation. As the leader of Soviet Russia he tried to improve the lives of his countrymen but he also created a secret police to get rid of any of his enemies such as Political Opponents.
Lenin helped many for his vision but also killed many for it. Lenin was a ruthless man who would do anything for what he thought was right and good. Lenin did many great things, such as getting rid of Russia's horrible Czar Nicholas II, and improving the Soviet economy and he was still better than is successor Stalin.

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