Monday, May 28, 2007

Unit 3 - Howard Hughes

Howard Hughes
Howard Hughes was in his time an aviator, engineer, industrialist, film producer and director, a playboy, an eccentric, and one of the wealthiest people in the world. He is most famous for his air-speed records, building the Howard Hughes H-1 Racer and H-4 Hercules airplanes, producing the movies Hell's Angels and The Outlaws, owning and expanding TWA(Trans World Airlines) and for his debilitation eccentric behaviour in later life. Howard Hughes was born on December 24, 1905 and died on April 5, 1976.
Howard Hughes inherited 75 percent of his fathers multi-million dollar fortune after his death which included the increasing amounts of cash flow through oil drilling royalties. With this money Howard Hughes created movies, planes, and bought the TWA. Howard Hughes also suffered from Obsessive-compulsive behaviour and also thought up very intricate ways on avoiding taxes.
Howard Hughes did a lot of good things such as creating better planes and building the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Howard Hughes was a very interesting person to watch for the people of that time and he was one of the most famous people with OCD. His eccentric behaviour, big movies and air planes were a source of entertainment for many people but he also did a lot of good.

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