Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Unit 3 - V.I. Lenin

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov also known as Lenin was one of the main people of the Russian Revolution, the leader of the Bolsheviks, and was the first leader of the Soviet Union. Lenin was the leader behind the October Revolution when the revolutionaries stormed the Winter Palace.
Lenin did great good for Russia as a leader but also did horrible things both as the Soviet Leader and as the Bolshevik leader.
As the Main Leader of Bolsheviks Lenin caused many horrible events of Russia's history such as the Russian Revolutions were many Russian Citizens died. Lenin also led the Revolutionists to overthrow the incompetent Czar to lead Russia into a Communist Nation. As the leader of Soviet Russia he tried to improve the lives of his countrymen but he also created a secret police to get rid of any of his enemies such as Political Opponents.
Lenin helped many for his vision but also killed many for it. Lenin was a ruthless man who would do anything for what he thought was right and good. Lenin did many great things, such as getting rid of Russia's horrible Czar Nicholas II, and improving the Soviet economy and he was still better than is successor Stalin.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Unit 3 - Lyndon Johnson

Lyndon Johnson
Lyndon Johnson, often referred to as LBJ, was the 36th President of the United States.
He did great things such as including civil rights laws, Medicare, Medicaid, aid to education, and "War on Poverty" in his liberal legislation. He also did bad things such as escalating the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war from 16,000 soldiers in 1963 to 550,000 in early 1968.
Lyndon Johnson became president two hours after JFK's assassination on Air Force One. Lyndon Johnson started off loved by the American People and he used JFK's death for his electoral campaign. Lyndon Johnson was loved for his involvement in the civil rights act and signing it in 1964 but near the end of his first term as president was hated for increasing the American involvement in Vietnam.
Lyndon Johnson had great ideas and visions for a good future for America but ruined his chances for reelection with his actions towards the Vietnam War. He could have been one of the most liked presidents of all time but in reality he just used intimidation to get what he wanted or needed. His work on civil rights, medicare, and war on poverty will always be overshadowed by the Vietnam War.

Unit 3 - General Curtis E. LeMay

General Curtis E. LeMay
Curtis Emerson LeMay was a General in the United States Air Force and he is credited with designing and implementing an effective systematic strategic bombing campaign in the Pacific Theatre of World War II. He also headed the Berlin airlift and reorganized the Strategic Air Command into effective means of nuclear war. He was characterized as a belligerent warmonger who caused big tension during the Cold War(Cuban Missile Crisis) and even suggested the U.S. increase it's bombing on North Vietnam.
Curtis E. LeMay took very extreme measures to accomplish his goal of a U.S. victory. His firebombing and atomic bombing on Japan had killed more than 1 million Japanese civilians.
Curtis E. LeMay caused much controversy in his life in his belief of the need to use extreme bombing measures on U.S. opponents such as Vietnam, Japan and Cuba.
Curtis E. LeMay led many successful and useful air strikes in his life such as the attacks on Germany and Japan, but unnecessarily killed civilians in the process. He disagreed with many people on how war should be fought most famously with JFK during the Cuban Missile Crisis when he wanted to bomb nuclear sites in Cuba. He was a very brutal man and always sought a way to justify his horrible actions.

Unit 3 - Japanese Midget Subs

The Japanese Midget Subs, such as the Ko-hyoteki(Type 'A' Target) class submarine, was a significant factor of the attack on Pearl Harbour. The Ko-hyoteki submarine was a very ingenious creation as it was small enough that it would be hard to spot on radar, and they were called Type A so that if the design was discovered by enemies they could say they were practice targets. The Midget Subs were able to hit 3 of the U.S. War ships.

Midget subs were very useful in War because they only needed two people to operate them and were able to quickly attack the enemy. Many countries in World War II copied the idea and built their own Midget Ships. Japan was the most successful country in using the Midget subs, with which they made an attack on Pearl Harbour and Sydney.

Japanese Midget Ships were a great thought out weopen due to it's ability to only need 2 crew members, so that Japan had more soldiers for the other stations. Despite their usefulness they were only used a few times such as Pearl Harbour and the attack on Sydney. The destruction on Pearl Harbour would have been less severe if the Japanese Midget Subs and never been made.

Unit 3 - Influenza Epidemic of 1918

The Influenza Epidemic of 1918, also known as the Spanish flu, was between 1918 to 1920 and was caused by an unusually severe and deadly Influenza A virus strain.
The Spanish flu killed some 50 million to 100 million people worldwide in just 18 months which was more than the deaths of World War I. It is called the Spanish flu because it got greater press attention in Spain than in the rest of the world.

The mortality rate from the pandemic is estimated at 2.5% - 5% of the human population, with 20% of the world population suffering to some extent. The Spanish flu could strike suddenly and within hours the person would be to weak to walk, most died the next day. The Spanish flu caused a large outbreak of fear amongst the people due to the ability of it being able to fatal to a healthy young man as much as a child, elderly person, and people with a weak immune system.

The Spanish flu killed 25 million people in 25 weeks, and AIDS killed 25 million people in it's first 25 years. The Avian flu is feared of being the next Spanish flu, but is currently somewhat being kept at bay. The Spanish flu was a huge danger that was luckily able to be stopped or the world population could have become much smaller.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Unit 3 - Howard Hughes

Howard Hughes
Howard Hughes was in his time an aviator, engineer, industrialist, film producer and director, a playboy, an eccentric, and one of the wealthiest people in the world. He is most famous for his air-speed records, building the Howard Hughes H-1 Racer and H-4 Hercules airplanes, producing the movies Hell's Angels and The Outlaws, owning and expanding TWA(Trans World Airlines) and for his debilitation eccentric behaviour in later life. Howard Hughes was born on December 24, 1905 and died on April 5, 1976.
Howard Hughes inherited 75 percent of his fathers multi-million dollar fortune after his death which included the increasing amounts of cash flow through oil drilling royalties. With this money Howard Hughes created movies, planes, and bought the TWA. Howard Hughes also suffered from Obsessive-compulsive behaviour and also thought up very intricate ways on avoiding taxes.
Howard Hughes did a lot of good things such as creating better planes and building the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Howard Hughes was a very interesting person to watch for the people of that time and he was one of the most famous people with OCD. His eccentric behaviour, big movies and air planes were a source of entertainment for many people but he also did a lot of good.

Unit 3 - Japanese-American Internment

During World War II 120,000 Japanese and Japanese Americans were removed from the West Coast of the United States. Roughly 110,000 of those were sent to hastily built camps called "War Relocation Centers". This authorization by Franklin Roosevelt greatly broke the Japanese-American citizens constitutional rights due to unnecessary fear of the Americans.

After the attack on Pearl Harbour, the U.S. government feared their own Japanese citizens would aid the Japanese military so they sent all the Japanese who were living on the West Coast to live in Relocation and Assembly Centers. The Americans breached the constitutional rights of the Japanese American citizens and singled them out. Over 112,000 residents of Japanese ancestry of which two-thirds were U.S. citizens by birth.

The Americans feared the Japanese and singled them out due to their heritage. This fear of a Japanese attack on America led to the breach of over 120,000 peoples constitutional rights. The Americans didn't care about what kind of people they were they only cared about their roots and their own safety.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Unit 3 - Korean War

The Korean War began on June 25, 1950, when North Korea invaded South Korea and ended on July 27, 1953. North Korea was backed by China and the Soviet Union and South Korea was backed by the U.N.
The war ended with a stalemate between the sides.

The War was more than just a war between Border Countries but also a war between Communist Countries and U.N. Countries which included the U.S. Despite the amount of countries involved in the war many people call it the ''Forgotten War'' because it was preceded by the giant World War II and the controversial Vietnam War. The war also brought awareness to the dangers of the North Korea.

The Korean War was for many people an unimportant war even though it brought awareness to the danger of North Korea and heightened the tension between the Communists and the U.S. People call it the ''Forgotten War'' that doesn't change the fact that people died and that the danger of this war could have caused major problems. It may have been forgotten but it was a war nonetheless.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Unit 3 - Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the main leaders of the American Civil Rights Movement and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 and he was the youngest winner of the prize. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4th, 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee at the Lorraine Motel. King was also posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Jimmy Carter in 1977, awarded the Congressional Gold Medal in 2004, and in 1986 Martin Luther King Day was established as a United States holiday. Martin Luther King's most influential and most-famous public address is the "I Have A Dream" speech, which he held at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC in 1963.
Martin Luther King Jr. was a Figurehead for the African-Americans and inspired many people to live free from racism. His influence is still felt by many people even after his assassination in 1968. If it weren't for Martin Luther King, Black People might not have gotten their rights earlier or at all.
Martin Luther King Jr. is still remembered to this day but his dream is not complete because there is still a lot of Racism in America and the world, but it has improved due to him. I wonder if Martin Luther King had not been assassinated would there be less racism or would everything had gone wrong. These are questions we'll never be able to answer but the work he had done for civil rights will be remembered forever.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Unit 3 - John F. Kennedy Assasination

John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was shot on Friday, November 22nd 1963, in Dallas, Texas. JFK was shot while his motorcade was driving through Dealey Plaza. The Person who was arrested for this murder was Lee Harvey Oswald, who was later assassinated by Jack Ruby. The assassination of John F. Kennedy is surrounded by many conspiracy theories.
JFK's Assassination shocked the American Public and when the Warren Commission named Lee Harvey Oswald as the Assassin the Public at first believed it, but JFK's Assassination is associated with a large numbers of theories on government conspiracies, different shooters, more than one shooters and the position of the shooters. JFK's death effects the country till this day and JFK is
regarded as an icon of American Hopes and Dreams.
The Assassination caused a lot of political problems with the country and caused the Cold War to become extremely tense. JFK had a pretty good relationship with Russian leader Khrushchev which was able to keep the Russians from attacking, but after his assassination tensions in Russia grew and risk of a war increased.JFK's death was both tragic and filled with conspiracy.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Unit 2 - Innovation

Penicillin was created by British scientist Sir Alexander Fleming in 1928.Penicillin is used in the treatment of bacterial infections.Penicillin saved many lives in the early years of the 20th Century most notably during the World Wars.
Penicillin gave the world a lot of relief of other worries beside their health during the troubling times of WWI and II.Penicillin helped medical science progress and led the way for many vaccines.It also saved many peoples lives from minor things such as an infected wound.
If penicillin hadn't been invented medical science wouldn't have evolved and a lot of illnesses would still be untreatable.Many live would have been lost and people would have a lot shorter life spans.The World is a tiny bit easier to live in because of Penicillin's contribution to medical science.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Unit 2 - Event

World War I
World War I was a global conflict that primarily took place in Europe and it lasted from 1914 to 1918. Millions of people died and it largely defined the 20th Century.The war was between the Allied Powers(France,Russia,the UK,Italy and the US) and the Central Powers(Austria-Hungary,Germany, and the Ottoman Empire.The main cause of the War was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand which led to Austria declaring War on Serbia.

World War I caused many changes to life in the 20th Century.It brought in many changes such as the increase in products being made in the world, war for the first time was fought in the air, and the danger of chemical warfare.The outcome of World War I was an important factor in the development of World War II due to Treaty of Versailles which forced Germany to take all the blame for the war and have to pay all the costs.

World War I was the reason for many of the worlds best changes and some of the worst.Without World War I technology would have taken longer to develop but it destroyed most of Europe,killed thousands of people, and caused the even worse World War II.If World War I hadn't happend technology would have taken longer to expand but many lives could have been saved.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Unit 2 - Individual

Shōwa Tennō- Hirohito
Hirohito was the 124Th Emperor of Japan according to the traditional order of succession and he reigned from December 25, 1926 until his death on January 7, 1989. Hirohito reigned during the Shōwa era (Eng:Enlightened Peace) and his reign was the longest of any historical Japanese Emperor, and he oversaw many significant changes to Japanese society.He married his distant cousin Princess Nagako Kuni(the future Empress Kōjun), and they had 2 sons and 5 daughters.
The first part of Emperor Shōwa's reign there was an increase in military power.This power led Japan to fight in the Second Sino-Japanese War and WWII.Many believe Emperor Shōwa was the mastermind behind many of Japan's atrocities committed during WWII when he was nothing more than a powerless figurehead who was behaving strictly according to protocol and staying away from most decision making.After the war the Hirohito became more public presence by going out for walkabouts, attending public ceremonies, and he became more active politically by visiting with American Presidents and Queen Elizabeth II.
Hirohito long reign as Emperor meant he was involved in many of Japan's most historical Events in the 20th Century. After Japans devastation after the War Hirohito led Japan to new prosperity which is greater than it was before the war.Hirohito helped Japan when it was at it's lowest after the loss of WWII.

Unit 2 - Ideas

Mein Kampf (Eng:My Struggle or My Fight) it is Hitler's signeture work, combining elements of autobiography with Hitler's political ideology of Nazism.In Mein Kampf, Hitler makes a biographical account of his life and also describes plans for German-allied countries to rule Europe, along a racist worldview of white supremacy with Aryans as the master race at the top and Jews at the bottom. Mein Kampf was written by Hitler in Prison with him publishing Volume 1 in 1925 and Volume 2 following in 1926.

In Mein Kampf, Hitler uses the main thesis of "The Jewish peril", which speaks of an alleged Jewish conspiracy to gain world leadership and also warns against the French. It also states that Propaganda is a rational way of controlling the irrational behaviour of crowds.Hitler presented himself as the "Übermensch"(Eng:Superman or Superhuman, Friedrich Nietzsche had developed this term in his book, Also Sprach Zarathustra, but opposed both racism and anti-semitism.

Mein Kampf was Hitler's first stage of becoming Germany's leader.It became sort of a Bible for every Nazi and it gave Hitler public awareness for him to start his rise to leadership of Germany.
These days the printing and copying of the book in Germany is illegal and the German government highly opposes the buying and reading of the book.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Unit 1 - Event

The Boer War
The Boer War was a War in South Africa between the two independent Boer republics of the Orange Free State and the South African Republic(Transvaal Republic), and the British Empire from 1899 to 1902. After a hard-fought war the two independent republics were absorbed by the British Empire. The British wanted to take over the two independent republics and take the mine that the Boers were using to find gold.
The Boer War further increased the British Empire and took over the Boers mines. The war cost 75,000 lives - 22,000 British soldiers, 6,000 - 7,000 Boer soldiers, 20,000 - 28,000 Boer civilians and perhaps 20,000 Black Africans. The Boer was also the first time that Victoria Crosses - the most prestigious award in the British armed forces - were awarded to British soldiers.
The Boer War was the bginning of the downfall of the British Empire. The Boers fighting for freedom got sympathy from a lot of other countries such as the Irish. The Public was revolted by the bad conditions of the concentration camps and were disgusted with British actions after the war.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times

Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times is a Movie from 1936.Charlie Chaplin satirizes modern life by making fun of the modern, industrialized world.
The movie starts with a clip of sheep being herded which fades into workers going into the factory which represents how people are basically
being herded to work.Charlie is seen doing repetitive tasks and develops a nervous tick from doing these repetitive tasks and ends up with a nervous breakdown.

Unit 1 - Individual

Ferdinand Adolf August Heinrich Graf von Zeppelin
Ferdinand von Zeppelin was a German aircraft manufacturer, the founder of the Zeppelin airship company, and inventor of the Zeppelin. Zeppelin spent nearly a decade developing the dirigible. The first of many rigid dirigibles, called zeppelins in his honor, was completed in 1900.
The Zeppelin was mostly used by the German Military during WWI as bombers and scouts. It was also used as the first commercial airline and served scheduled flights well before WWI. After the Germans defeat in WWI, production of the Zeppelin was momentarily halted,but brought back under Hugo Eckener, until the Hindenburg disaster and political issues ended the Zeppelin.
The Zeppelin first brought the idea of travel through the air and created the first commercial airline DELAG(Deutsche Luftshiffahrts-AG). The Zeppelin was also a big part of WWI which was one of the biggest events in the 20Th Century. The Zeppelin helped make travel and warfare through the air a possibility for the first time and helped pave the way for airplanes.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Unit 1 - Ideas

Marxism refers to the philosophy and social theory based on Karl Marx's work, and the political practice based on Marxist theory.
Marxism describes the race towards communism in a number of stages, the first stage being feudalism, followed by capitalism and socialism, and finally communism. There have been many academic theories, social movements, political parties and governments that lay claim to being founded on Marxist principles including Marxism-Leninism, Stalinism, and Maoism.
Marxism was the founding block for Communism which had significant impact on the 20Th Century. Marxist Theories inspired many Countries leaders who changed life in the 20Th Century.Though they changed life it was mostly for the worst for their people and the rest of the World.
Marxism has many great ideas but they only work in Theory.Any Country that adopted his ideas mostly ruined their country or caused horrible wars.If Marx hadn't come up with his theory many tragedies could have been avoided such as the Cold War,Mao's killings, and the Korean War.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Unit 1 - Innovation

On December 17, 1903 the Wright Brothers made the first controlled, powered, heavier-than-air human flight.Wind, sand, and a dream of flight brought Wilbur and Orville Wright to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, where after four years of experimentation, they achieved the first successful airplane flights in 1903.The first plane they had built was a glider that measured 16 feet from wing tip to wing tip. It cost them $15 to build it. The gasoline-powered plane they flew at Kitty Hawk cost them less than $1000 to build.
The creation of the first fully functional airplane paved the way for future Travel. It introduced the ability to fly, which would later be used for long distance travel. Once this concept was perfected the world became a more open place.
Life without Planes would be really hard. Planes help us travel long distances to deliver items, visit other countries, and visit relatives or friends in a different country. Planes helped our economy grow with it's ability to travel long distances with a lot of extra weight to carry. If we didn't have planes we would never have gotten this far.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The Importance of the 20Th Century

It is important to learn about the 20Th Century because it helps you learn about what events happened that formed the World we live in. It will also help you learn about what happened in the past and how we can make the world better.